In a burning 10 story building scenario, an entire Fire Battalion might be engaged. In many cases, a 7 man extraction team is positioned very near the scene, but remains otherwise unengaged unless a firefighter goes down. Once a firefighter is down, there is often no more than 3 minutes to get him/her out before it becomes a body extraction/recovery operation.

Scenario 1: A Sheriff in a rural or urban area chases a suspected felon. He leaves his vehicle (GPS Initialization Point ¡V where the base radio is located) and takes off on foot pursuing a suspect. The Sheriff is shot or injured and radios for help, but since he is separated from the vehicle, there is no way to ascertain the exact position where he went down. Even if he had a GPS-equipped handheld radio, if he pursued the suspect into a building, cave, or a tunnel, his position might not be available.

Miner Proximity Detection: Many accidents happen in the mining industry due to impaired visibility or poor communications with miners on foot and miners in massive mining machines. As most mining machines are tracked by GPS on the surface, a NAViSEER-tracked miner can trigger alarms if he walks into an unsafe area or moves too close to a dangerous part of a mining machine.

In a prison or jail facility, it is very desirable to know exactly where the guards and other employees are located at any given moment. If these personnel were equipped with NAViSEER attached to their radios, in the event of a prisoner riot situation, Facility Management/Security could determine precisely where their people were and direct rescue operations toward them, or even steer people away from unknowingly moving toward a dangerous riot situation.

In urban combat scenarios, field commanders need to know the location of their personnel at all times, not only for potential rescue scenarios, but also to avoid friendly-fire casualties. The movements and position of NAViSEER-equipped personnel can be tracked at all times - even within buildings, tunnels, caves or forest and jungle canopies. The NAViSEER is carried in the combat vest positioned against the lower back and attached to the radio on each soldier.

Search and Rescue teams face situations every day where NAViSEER would be very beneficial.
Search and Rescue teams are deployed to find lost hikers, recover bodies and search for convicts in mountainous areas, under forest or jungle foliage and in ravines and canyons. These are areas GPS signals have difficulty in penetrating.
NAViSEER will allow Search and Rescue teams to track their personnel and then give the commander a simple, easy to understand display of what area have been searched or not searched.

Secured Facilities- Nuclear Power Plants, National Laboratories, Airports, Petrochemical Plants and Refineries
In a secure facility it is very desirable to know the exact location of employees, visitors and security personnel at any given moment. If these personnel and/or visitors enter a restricted area, an alarm could be raised and the person located and removed from the restricted facilities. By the same token in an emergency or disaster situation, it can potentially save lives to know the exact location of key personnel.