What is AccuSense?

AccuSense is a laboratory-quality chemical recognition system that provides concentration levels of multiple chemicals simultaneously in a field-portable or fixed-position scenario.

Who was AccuSense designed for?

AccuSense was designed to meet First Responder requirements for an accurate, field-portable, easy-to-use chemical detection device. In addition, it was designed to satisfy requirements for continuous monitoring industrial type applications.

What types of deployment scenarios is AccuSense intended for?

AccuSense is intended to be deployed in a variety of scenarios, but the most common would be a multiple-unit deployment in the area of a known chemical release. The units would be set in and around the anticipated “hot zone,” allowed to run for any period of time, and the information would be transmitted wirelessly back to a command post. The information gathered would be used to define the “hot” and “cold” zones and to set up a perimeter for public and worker safety. In addition, multiple AccuSense units can be placed in an industrial setting and run continuously to monitor concentrations of chemicals and provide the user with the proper information to make decisions about worker safety.

What type of technology is used?

Dual-Hyphenated Gas Chromatography (DHGC) for separation of chemicals and a thermal detection system for chemical identification.

What is DHGC?

DHGC is a unique form of Gas Chromatography that utilizes two columns to perform separation of polar and non-polar chemicals.

What Chemicals does AccuSense detect?

AccuSense detects a wide variety of organic and inorganic Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) such as hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, ethylene oxide, phosgene, and many more.

What database does AccuSense compare its results to for identification?

AccuSense does not utilize a published comparison database, such as the NIST 08 Mass Spectral Library that may be used in a GC/MS device. Instead, AccuSense utilizes proprietary neural network algorithms that operates similar to a fingerprint identification system.

What happens to results in the presence of environmental confusers such as diesel fumes, firefighting foam, etc.?

Due to the separation capabilities in the DHGC technology and the neural network algorithms that are the backbone of the identification process, AccuSense is essentially blind to environmental confusers and will hence not report false positives or false negatives in their presence.

What are the detection limits of AccuSense?

The detection limits of the device will vary chemical to chemical, but in general the detection limits are in the low parts-per-million (ppm) range, with the ability to detect all chemicals within the database below its respective Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) level.

How does AccuSense communicate results to the user?

AccuSense operates using either a direct plug-in Ethernet cable that attaches from the device to a laptop PC or through a wireless network in which a master radio at the PC communicates to the units

How does the software communicate results to the user?

At the laptop PC level, the user will be notified of chemicals that are detected and their concentration levels relative to IDLH. A color-coded representation on a sliding bar scale along with visual flashing will notify the user that a chemical concentration detected is dangerous. At the unit itself, visual light-emitting diodes (LEDs) will notify the user of the hazard level of the chemical(s) detected (High, Medium, Low).

What is the exterior AccuSense case made of?

The housing of the AccuSense device is made out A356 aluminum, which allows for easy decontamination after operation in the “hot zone” and allows for operation in a wide variety of environments.